Rabies 医学评论 上次审核日期: 2024 年 31 月 12 日 什么是狂犬病? 狂犬病是一
分类: 疫苗品种
进入 2025 年的三个月,美国麻疹病例超过 2024 年的总数
Three months into 2025, US measles cases surpass t
Tracking measles cases in the United States 作者:Ale
Health officials prepare for measles spread as dis
自 2019 年创纪录的 2019 波疫情以来,美国单年麻疹病例数创下新高
U.S. records most measles cases in single year sin
Measles remains a danger to health even years afte
Japanese encephalitis has claimed a second life in
安哥拉的霍乱疫情已造成数百人死亡 – 但凭借疫苗,该国正在反击
Angola’s cholera outbreak has killed hundreds – bu
法院对 Gardasil 诉讼作出简易判决
Court grants summary judgment in Gardasil litigati
与 HPV 疫苗无关的原发性卵巢功能不全 – 反疫苗者将移动目标
Primary ovarian insufficiency unrelated to HPV vac
与原发性卵巢功能不全无关的 HPV 疫苗 – 揭穿反疫苗的神话
HPV vaccine unrelated to primary ovarian insuffici
研究发现 HPV 疫苗与原发性卵巢功能不全之间没有联系
Study finds no link between HPV vaccine and primar
更多 Gardasil 恐惧散布:缺乏批判性思维的 HPV 疫苗接种的“批判性审查”
More Gardasil fear mongering: A “critical review”
再说一遍:HPV 疫苗接种与原发性卵巢功能不全无关
One more time: HPV vaccination is not associated w
综述得出结论:证据不支持 HPV 疫苗会导致 CRPS 或 POTS
Review concludes evidence does not support that HP
Hepizovac 意见 EMA 已就此药发表意见 流行性出血性疾病疫苗(灭活) 药兽医 正在评估的
First vaccine against epizootic haemorrhagic disea
黛安·哈珀 (Diane Harper) 支持 HPV 疫苗——她发表了它
Diane Harper supports HPV vaccine – and she publis
Gardasil 研究员 Diane Harper 是支持 HPV 疫苗的——令人震惊,对吧?
Gardasil researcher Diane Harper is pro-HPV vaccin
肯尼迪在针对默克的 Gardasil 疫苗案中发挥了关键作用
Kennedy played key role in Gardasil vaccine case a
对《国家儿童疫苗伤害法》的宪法挑战在 Gardasil 诉讼中被驳回
Constitutional challenge to National Childhood Vac
Gardasil 诉讼中的法官驳回了大多数索赔
Judge in Gardasil lawsuit throws out most claims 作
Vaccine hesitancy for pets is growing and it matte
由于 HPV 疫苗,美国宫颈癌死亡率下降
Cervical cancer mortality dropped in USA because o
Rabies in Cats 宠物主人版 由Charles E. Rupprecht,VMD,博士,