German study showed that COVID-19 and flu caused d
分类: 疫苗错误信息
随着麻疹威胁的持续存在,对 MMR 疫苗与自闭症联系的错误信念仍然存在
False Belief in MMR Vaccine-Autism Link Endures as
MMR 恐慌背后的欺诈
Fraud Behind the MMR Scare On this page– BMJ
是的,MMR 疫苗是安全的
Yes, the MMR vaccine is safe 关于 MMR 疫苗的错误信息比比皆是。以下
那一次,鲍比·肯尼迪 (Bobby Kennedy) 出版了一本关于麻疹的书
That Time Bobby Kennedy Published a Book About Mea
RFK Jr. 最大限度地减少德克萨斯州的麻疹疫情
RFK Jr. Minimizes Measles Outbreak in Texas 作者:Jes
小罗伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) 的反疫苗宣传
The Anti-Vaccine Propaganda of Robert F. Kennedy,
小罗伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) 是反疫苗者。他不是“疫苗怀疑论者”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is antivax. He is NOT a “vac
小罗伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F Kennedy, Jr) 如何利用死去的孩子
How Robert F Kennedy, Jr Exploits Dead Children By
RFK Jr 说很难杀死患有麻疹的健康儿童RFK
RFK Jr Says It Is Hard to Kill Healthy Kids With M
RFK Jr 说麻疹疫苗会导致死亡——他错了
RFK Jr says measles vaccine causes deaths — he’s w
小罗伯特·肯尼迪 (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr) 的反疫苗议程
The Anti-Vaccine Agenda of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr 作
与 HPV 疫苗无关的原发性卵巢功能不全 – 反疫苗者将移动目标
Primary ovarian insufficiency unrelated to HPV vac
与原发性卵巢功能不全无关的 HPV 疫苗 – 揭穿反疫苗的神话
HPV vaccine unrelated to primary ovarian insuffici
研究发现 HPV 疫苗与原发性卵巢功能不全之间没有联系
Study finds no link between HPV vaccine and primar
更多 Gardasil 恐惧散布:缺乏批判性思维的 HPV 疫苗接种的“批判性审查”
More Gardasil fear mongering: A “critical review”
随着 2021 年接近尾声,反疫苗者滥用 VAERS 的情况仍在迅速蔓延
As 2021 shambles to a close, the misuse of VAERS b
PragerU 视频包含关于 COVID-19 死亡的误导性声明,错误地声称 94% 的 COVID-19 死亡病例有既往病史
PragerU video contains misleading claims about COV
特朗普总统分享的虚假声明称,CDC 报告的死亡病例中只有 6% 死于 COVID-19,这是基于有缺陷的推理
False claim shared by President Trump that only 6%
RFK 对麻疹的维生素 A 建议让疾病专家感到担忧
RFK’s Vitamin A recommendation for measles w
Is it possible for the flu shot to cause type 1 di
RFK Jr. 对自闭症的误解
What RFK Jr. Gets Wrong About Autism 作者:Kate Yande
Fun and Games with Measles? 作者: 医学博士文森特·伊安内利 / Jan
Anti-vaccine movement falsely blames measles shots
再次关于 Andrew Wakefield 欺诈非凡人物
Once more about Andrew Wakefield fraud extraordina